Floppy Hats and Poofy Skirts

One of my Mom’s best friends, Connie, recently married a man that she’s totally nuts about… and… as luck would have it… her new last name is the SAME as our new fabric line, FLORA! How cool is that?

Needless to say, she’s been all over these fabrics… sewing away… for her three cute granddaughters: Sydney (4), Callie (almost 3), and Chloe (1). Girls are so much fun!

For the hat pattern she used Sally Sells Sea Shells by the Sea Shore Sun Hat by Izzy & Ivy Designs which I found online here… The skirt pattern came from Flirty Skirts by Tanya Whelan which you can download for free, here… She made the hats as directed, but varied the skirts slightly in lengths of ruffles, etc., because the pattern was not available in Chloe’s size (the littlest one, see below). She was just too darn cute to leave out… so I think it was worth the extra effort.

Connie said that as soon as she saw this line… she knew that it would be great for these two patterns. The colors really pop when they’re layered like this.

Every year she helps with a golf tournament that her sons/son-in-law host in memory of their dad, to benefit the Southeastern Children’s Home… so she’s been working super hard to get them all finished up in time for photos! Sydney, the oldest of the three, liked it so much that she insisted on wearing it the next morning for church too.

Sydney also mentioned that she thinks it will make a great beach hat. 🙂 Ha, kids are so funny!

Connie’s next project is going to be a one-year anniversary quilt for her and her sweet husband, Bill. And she mentioned again, how she’s super excited that me and my Mom decided to name this fabric line after her. 🙂 LOL. Of course we did!!

And then to finish up… I want to tell Robin, the amazing photographer (and Connie’s daughter-in-law) that we love the photos!!! Especially after I found out the back story. Ha! These were all taken in the parking area of Jason’s Deli in Spartanburg! How funny! It’s not exactly your ideal setting, but you’d never know it from these shots! Way to go, Robin!! (She has a great blog too, Out On a Limb, with more cute photos of her adorable family!)

So, if there’s anyone out there who has made something using one of our lines, we’d love to see what you’ve come up with!!! Just send us some photographs and a little background info… and we’ll put them up on our blog.

And on that same note… These are some driftwood sailboats that my sister’s aunt by marriage, Ruth has made and sent our way, what an out-of-the-box idea, super cute!!


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