I Love Creative People.

And I love it even more when those people take awesome photos of their creativity and send them my way…

I received an email from a crafty genius out in Indiana named Britt who recently blogged about a quilt she was making with Botany! Her blog, Scrapyard, features an eclectic collection of projects that are sure to inspire… Between funky slippers, mini bloomers, crayon rolls, and quilts, she’s definitely a jack of all trades in the sewing world.

Her Picnic Quilt is made of an assortment of 42 squares, ranging in size from 1/4″ increments to 3″ and 4″ increments. It was inspired by a quilt by Ashley, which referenced Liberated Quiltmaking II by Gwen Marston.

The photos that she posted about her Botany project show the quilt while it while it was still in the production phase, something you don’t see as often a you do final quilt photos… in my opinion, a rather nice change of pace. Part of what makes quilts so special is the process that came before the finished product.

My fav is the big safety pin below. If the Discovery Channel were to do an episode on safety pins…

Additionally, the photos themselves are beautiful! The lighting… the vantage points… the depth of field… everything. So I when I wrote her back about the awesome blog entry, I asked if she would send along some photos of the finished quilt. Which she did! (See below.) I absolutely LOVE them!

If anyone else has made a great project using Botany that they would like to share… take some pretty photos and send them my way! I would love to post them!


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