Hi everyone, there’s been a slight mix-up regarding our stop on the bloghop! Sorry sorry sorry!!! But we’re not a real stop this time.
We’re coming out with a book in the next few months, and have just gotten super behind with our blog… and fabric design… and life in general. 🙂 But that’s not really you all’s problem… Anyway, I know that a number of you have tried to submit comments on our last Blog Hop stop (the one that went up a few months ago), so I just wanted to put up a quick post directing you to the other ladies on today’s hop : Kate Spain & Me and My Sister! Both super awesome posts!
And just because we’re out of the loop this time, rest assured, we’ll be in the next hop with extra stuff to make up for this little mix-up! Our next line, Chantilly, will be just hitting the stores, so it will be good timing!! (Teeny tiny preview below.)
Thank you for letting us know… I get it “Life happens”
Thanks!! 🙂
Thanks for keeping it real. We all know that life happens, and it’s always to us, but we get agitated when it happens to someone else! A thought came to my mind today when someone behind me got upset at me for letting two people ahead of me…The lady behind me yelled out “are you letting everyone go?” My thought to her was…”It’s called a random act of kindness, you should try it sometime!” Anyway, good luck with your new line, I can’t wait to get some for my stash! Have a blessed day!
Even without being part of the blog hop, the circle quilt is beautiful and I love the new line. Gorgeous!!!
It was fun looking around your blog anyway and loved the quilt.
Those things do happen, glad I got to visit and see those lovely fabrics. I’ll be back!
I’m looking forward to this new line. Thanks for letting us know.
Thanks for the head’s up…. your new fabric looks terrific.
Enjoy working on your new book!!! And also your new line!!!
Nice greetings, Willeke
The Netherlands
Your new fabrics are just beautiful!
I love the shade of green in your new collection.
Your fabric is so happy and springy – wait is that a word?- After all the snow last night I needed to see happy happy fabric